Tuesday, November 16, 2010

GAO Fall Update

So what's new?? In the GAO world, lots.

On October 1st we kicked off our Invisible Children fundraising efforts with a visit from the IC crew and a video presentation in the Little Theatre. Since then, we've been working to raise funds for our partner school in Uganda, Anaka Secondary School. James, part of the crew who visited Sehome on October 1st, had been a student at our sister school and had a first-hand perspective on the help we give them.

Right now we're working on our current fundraiser: Brick by Brick. As some of you may have already seen, we're painting a mural on the brick wall in the lounge courtyard. Sehome students purchase a section of the wall (actually two bricks, one on top of another) for $5 and get to paint their name, graduation year, and place a handprint on the section.

Bring your $5 to the lounge any day this week during both lunches. GAO has a table set up. Painting days are TBD and weather dependent... but if you buy a brick we'll make sure you get to paint it!

Support Anaka... show your Sehome spirit... buy your brick!

Friday, September 3, 2010

It's getting to be that time again....

Just updated the GAO email list and posted some info to our facebook page (http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1626070103) about the new year! We had an officer's meeting Thursday and everyone is incredibly excited to get going this year. We've got tons of ideas and goals, and we want yours too! This year is promising to be a good one.

Come to our first meeting to experience it for yourself on Tuesday, September 14th, right after school in Mr. Hageman's room. Any Sehome student is welcome. I believe it's room 126? I'll check and get back to you. If you can't make it, keep in touch! You can reach us at students.for.gao@gmail.com and we'll make sure we let you know any time you can help out that works for you. This blog, the facebook, and our email will all be kept up and checked regularly throughout the school year, so it won't be hard to find us.

Can't wait to start working with everyone! Happy last few days of summer everyone.

Allison Work
GAO Publicity Chair 2010-2011